Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss. © 2005. Free Press. ISBN 978-0-7432-6434-1.

In his previous book, Many Lives, Many Masters, Weiss – a M.D. and psychiatrist – used past life regressions to assist his clients when no root cause could be found in the client’s current life.

In Same Soul, Many Bodies, Weiss used – along with traditional therapy and past life regressions – future progressions to assist his clients.

Some future progressions were the future in the client’s current lifetime; some were progressions to future lifetimes.

Weiss presented the reader with some of his clients; why they came to him; the regression and/or progression; and how either of those techniques affected his client, as well as how it assisted in healing process.

One client had progressed to around the year 3200, where she described (to me) a very familiar scene.

I enjoyed this book and recommend it for everyone.

by Jan Toomer




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