The Emerging Dream Healer by Adam. © 2006, Plume (Penguin Group). ISBN 0-452-28730-8.

In The Emerging Dream Healer, Adam emphasizes each individual’s ability to heal themselves; this book is about how one goes about accomplishing this.

Adam begins by addressing the need to take responsibility for one’s “habits”, “attitudes” and “emotions” for optimizing health.

Adam also provides information on Auras, group healing, self-healing and more. He includes examples; descriptions as well as color pictures to aid in visualizing what he is describing. Chapters Two through Eight also have some Q&A’s at the end of each chapter.

This book also contains visualization exercises, demonstration exercises and offers possible techniques to try yourself.

Overall, this is a good book for healer to get healing techniques, ideas, as well as for one just beginning their interest in healing.



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