Don’t Call Them Ghosts: The Spirit Children of Fontaine Manse by Kathleen McConnell. © 2004. Llewellyn Publications. ISBN 0-7387-0533-0.

Based on a true story, Kathleen McConnell wrote of her experiences while living in the Fontaine Manse.

The book started with their very first experience with the inhabitants that were already in place when Kathleen and her husband bought the house – experiences that began only two days after they moved in.

Most books written about ‘haunted houses’, and their occupants, are usually centered on the earthly person or family working to rid their house of the spirits; not this book.

Kathleen discovers there are three spirits occupying the house, and determined that they were all children; and since she couldn’t see them, nor hear their words, she named them Angel Girl, Buddy and The Baby.

Kathleen’s heart went out to these three spirit children – and, in a way, she became like their adoptive mother. She scolded them when they played loudly while her own infant was sleeping; she let them know she loved them; included them in Christmas…and, except for her husband, she did all this without ever discussing their presence with her own family.

I really enjoyed this unusual, yet heart warming, approach to sharing a space with earthbound spirits – a truly unique perspective.

I recommend this book for everyone.

Review by Jan Toomer



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