Since energy vibrations are rising – becoming less dense or heavy – we are becoming more receptive, especially to the more subtle energies.

Some of the ways this receptivity may be experienced is through empathy and/or telepathy.


Empathy is feeling others emotions – sometimes felt so strongly they can be misinterpreted as one’s own emotions and not someone else’s.

I believe everyone has experienced empathy at least once (baring mental/physical imbalances). A simplified/exaggerated example could be:

Someone (friend, neighbor, co-worker, boss, relative) was angry and chewed you out. You feel the anger and you re-act in like. You just accepted the other person’s anger as your own, and you became angry.

Unfortunately many of the most recognized experiences may be of those of heavy, “louder” energies of anger, fear, jealousy, etc.


Telepathy is communicating mind to mind. This communication can be through mind pictures, emotions/feelings (including “gut feelings”), a knowing, or your own personal memories (indicating that the scenario, or emotions of that memory, are akin to what the message is). Of those who have worked with me, you may recognize that these are the same ways a “reader” may receive information.

Other Forms…

As we become less dense, we are also more sensitive to some other forms of communication; words and creative arts (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.).

…Are Carriers

Handwritten, typed, texted, emailed, spoken – words are carriers.

When we are inspired to write, it is usually emotion-driven by grief, anger, love, happiness, etc.

The same goes for doodles, drawings, paintings or artwork in other forms. The emotions the artist or writer had at the time became part of the piece or work.

The words or artwork are imbued with the emotions and become the carriers of those emotions.

When you post your words in a letter, text, blog, etc. or share your artwork, you are putting your energy – for better or worse – out there for others to open, read/view and get hit with those emotions.

It’s all good if those emotions were love-based emotions; sucks crunchy peanut butter if they were emotions born of fear.

Limited: 3rd Dimension Communication Can Lead to Misunderstandings & Miscommunications

Communicating totally in a 3rd dimension method nowadays can lead to frequent misunderstandings and miscommunications.

These physical means of communication are restrictive. They are limited by: the physical symbolism the artist used to represent their emotions; the orator’s choice of words, the placement of the words; as well as being limited by the receiver’s receptivity, interpretation and knowledge of the actual words used.

Empathy can aid in the interpretation. However, if the orator is being deceptive (also known as lying) to either the receiver or him/herself then more confusion is experienced because the orator’s words and emotional energy are not in sync.

Telepathy can help in reducing misunderstandings, misinterpretations and the ability to deceive (whether the deception was intentional or not).

Check Please!

Please remember to check your emotions before you begin to create or share your creations with others (this includes cooking!). Whether you or not you are experiencing empathy or telepathy, you are able to pass your emotions on to others.

Please pass along the emotions based in love.

Thinking Beyond 3D
Becoming One Reality – Part Two
Bridging the Communication Gap
The Universe Takes Everything Literal
Your Meta Questions – March 2014
Energy Update – May 16, 2014
Mental Intrusion
Metaphysical Shorthand
Darn Auto-Correct

by Jan Toomer


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