By Dorothy K. Slemmer

When I graduated from the Hypnosis Institute and got my certificate in 1970, I was also a member of an E.S.P. study group.  With certificate in hand, I was quickly swept into doing age-regression after age-regression for members of our study group.  And that was the beginning of many years of age-regression research for me.  What I didn’t know was how much the things I learned from those age-regressions would change my life and my way of thinking!

One thing they taught me is that we all come back into this plane of existence that we call “life” over and over again to learn lessons, pay back and/or collect for debts, and correct errors made in previous life lessons.  In a word, we experience Karma.

As the years went by, I began to see a pattern in people’s lives.  When they were young, they had one set of characters and circumstances to deal with and, as they aged, new sets of people and circumstances appeared.

Through the age-regressions I discovered that situations a person has to work through at a certain age level in this life, corresponded to the age of a character they had been in a previous life!  As example, if the person had harmed or perhaps stolen something from someone at age 17 in a previous life, that person would be presented with a similar situation at about the same age in this life.  It is then that person’s choice to correct or not to correct what he had done before.  This pattern follows throughout life, new situations and people flowing in and out, each an opportunity to learn something, correct something, or collect something connected with one life or another from the past.

Yes, I did say “collect” something.  Karma works both ways.  There are those who owe us as well as us owing others.  There can even be paths in life that are joyous, full of friends, love and comfort that are the results of good choices made in past lives.

Another thing I discovered was that, when it is time for a person to move on to a new karmic situation, he or she is pushed by the plan of their own design to change their life circumstance.  Have you ever come to a time in your life when you felt out of place or so unsatisfied with you life that you just knew that you had to make a change?  Possibly move or change jobs?  That was your own soul’s karmic plan nudging you toward your next goal or challenge.

I discovered this by talking to regressed people in the times between their lives.  Oh, yes, the entity that is ‘you’ is conscious and aware when you are about to begin a new life on this plane.  And you have plans, goals for your new self to accomplish.  Also, you often know if someone special will be coming into the Earth plane with you so that you two can work together in the upcoming life.  Sometimes there’s even a group that come in together, all with a goal to accomplish together.  Of course, when we are born, these memories usually fade into our subconscious and exist only as feelings of desire or interest that we experience as we grow and learn.  But they are none that less there and guide our choices in life.

Shakespeare, in his As You Like It, writes that, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”  On the surface that is true.  But we are not just players who can leave the part behind when the curtain falls!  Each scenario on our stage contains choices for us to make that are critical to our development and happiness throughout time.  Consider your life, your choices.  Choose well, my friends.  Those choices, bad or good, will be there waiting for you when you return to your natural spiritual state and will follow you into a future go-around on the Earth plane!

Thank you, Dorothy! Dorothy K. Slemmer is the author of  “Sunrise, Day One!” (can see book review here). You can visit Dorothy’s blog for more information as well as excerpts from “Sunrise, Day One!”

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