by Jan Toomer

Exhausted – Tired – Worn Out

These seem to be the new buzz words in describing how people are feeling.

Physically Exhausted

Many report that they are sleeping at night – some sleeping longer than what is usual for them – yet feeling exhausted when they get up.

Oh So Tired

Not only the physical tiredness, but also tired of:

  • People “getting away” with stuff
  • The never ending cycle of the monetary system
  • The economy
  • The deceit and/or lies, both small and large scale
  • The manipulation
  • The insensitivity witnessed/experienced against others
  • Emotional “games”
  • Etc.

Worn Out

Our bodies, minds and energies seem worn out from struggling with the weight of the 3rd dimension; our “beingness” craving the permanent lightness of the 5th dimension.

I know we’ve “talked” about all of this in various articles (different words, same meanings) but this is still prevalent in our lives, so it is not yet complete.

No, I don’t have a “due by”, “use by” or “expiration” date. We must each purge, re-balance and lift our energy up and it will take as long as it takes; everyone works at his or her own pace.

Anchors Down

An anchor is a heavy weight with a hefty (possibly chain link) tether.

Ever seen a show or cartoon where a boat is anchored and someone tries to drive it away? Doesn’t work to well, eh?

Fear, anger, sorrow, grief, greed, worry, self-centeredness, etc. All of these and any other lower vibratory emotions are anchors that are holding you in place.

However, there is just one “master anchor”…

Every negative, or heavy emotion has one simple root…


That means (yes, I and others have said it before) there are only two emotions – Love and Fear.

If an emotion is not based in love, then it is based in fear. That simple.

If you release fear, then all of these other lower vibrational emotions will leave.

One Anchor at a Time

Some of us work at releasing one anchor at a time; for example, working on releasing all of the grief or sorrow from the past.

And we have all been working hard on releasing/clearing the past – but it really doesn’t have to be one emotion at a time.

Remember? It is either love or fear – no other emotions exist.

Anchors Away!

Once fear is released from your energy, the anchors can leave en masse. (This does not mean releasing/ignoring common sense!)

How exciting will it be when we’ve released all the weight of old? What wonderful “new” can come in once we’ve finally dealt with and released the last of our anchors?

It will be the next step in human spiritual evolution!

I’ve only received small glimpses of this possible future – of what beauty and harmony we are each capable of creating.

So have patience with yourself – there is a lot going on that you may not necessarily see, but you are working on/doing nonetheless.

And dream of what you can create when your last anchor is gone.

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