New Chakra System

New Chakra System

Some healers have noticed that some client’s chakra system has changed. The colors, quantity, feel, etc. The more a person moves into the fourth dimension, the more the energy bodies will alter and adjust. Here’s the 3D Chakra System:        ...

Curses Run Deep

What I “Saw” I ‘saw’ the warrior standing on the mountain plateau overlooking the lake. Coming out of the lake were pale, white people, whose eyes were dead (loss of hope, caught in an endless loop), clawing their way out of the lake, pulling their bodies up onto the...

Alternative Healing Session

The following is my interpretation of my own experience and my own frustrations, (alternative healings are not to be substituted for medical professional care – please check with your reliable medical health practitioner). I think the universe is testing my sense of...
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