by Jan Toomer

As we progress energetically, many are feeling overwhelmed, out of balance or frustrated; some are getting panicky.

Some of what I have been seeing or hearing from others is:

1.  Some who are coming into their own abilities (as per their soul growth) do so in fear, and in some cases, hostility.

a.    Some people are being challenged as their abilities surface or increase in strength; some are finding conflicts with their belief systems.

2.  There are those who are not accepting responsibility for their own life.

a.    Accepting responsibility is more than going to your job, paying bills, etc.

b.    It is also honoring your soul plan and soul growth; honoring the ability/abilities you have brought forward and using them responsibly.

c.    Making your own decisions and not relying on someone else to make them for you. You are responsible for creating your own reality – you don’t make the decisions then you do not move forward in your life or with your own soul plan.

d.    Honoring where others are (though you needn’t accept any disharmonious energies into your field).

3.    Some repeatedly looking to others for answers (thus giving away their “power”) instead of finding their answers within.

a.    We are in a time where we need to work with our connection with our higher selves and our guides. It is okay to ask for help – but not to rely on others making decisions for you (see 2c). If you are having difficulty, there are group classes and private instruction that can help you to learn to work with your higher self and/or team.

4.    Total disregard, or refusing to acknowledge, others feelings, needs, etc. (solely expressing concern for one’s own desires/wants).

a.    Though this is a time of (re)connecting with your own body, your higher self and your guides/teams, please don’t forget those around you.

b.    It (life) is not just all about you and no one else. And, to take it one step further for those who are ready…everyone is an extension of self. Ignoring, mistreating, abusing others is, on a higher level, doing to your own self.

Please find the balance within yourself and between self and others.

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