Some people are once again finding themselves alone; friends pulling away or moving away; or some of you are pulling away from your own friends. A lot of lightworkers/energy workers see this pattern again and again in their lives.

It’s okay.

Well, not really – it kind of sucks crunchy peanut butter. However, these “alone” times are for us to work on self. They are not a punishment; they are a self-growth opportunity.

If you look back, you may have noticed that when you found yourself alone, you probably began on working on one or more of the following:

  • Physical imbalances; correcting issues with the physical body.
  • Emotional self; clearing up old emotional baggage that has been weighing you down.
  • Spiritual self; re-addressing beliefs; expanding.

Never Really Alone

Please remember, though, that you are never really alone. Aside from those you live and work with, your team (Source, guides, guardian angels, etc.) are always with you – and if you ask them, they will aid or assist you any way they can (they cannot aid or assist unless you ask them – this is one aspect of free will).

These self-growth alone times have no set time limit or duration.

As you begin to wrap up the current self-growth time, you may notice new people begin to enter your life. With each energy shift you make towards being more balanced, you call to your life people who may resonate with the cleaner and/or more balanced (than before) energy you’ve worked to create.

It’s like a graceful ongoing dance; people weaving in and out of your space. As you are working on self, those who just left your space are working on themselves as well…like you, they will continue the dance with others; touching their lives as they had touched yours.

by Jan Toomer


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