by Linda Aragon

Gratitude – A Habit Worth Maintaining!

With the Holidays approaching, Gratitude seems to be an appropriate topic to approach.  With much uneasiness about the economy, earth changes, etc., it is now more important than ever to find the peace within, focus on the good in the world and realize that everything is for a reason; all is for our highest good and the best thing we can do is cultivate our sense of Gratitude.  The Power of Gratitude is an extremely important aspect of attracting to you the abundance and happiness that you desire and deserve in your life.

Through the Law of Attraction, the energy vibrations that you resonate and project (based on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions), determine your “vibrational frequency”.  As you broadcast that frequency, you attract to you the energy or vibrational frequency that harmonizes or resonates with it, which in turn determines the events, situations, and circumstances that you attract and eventually see manifest into your life.

What does that have to do with Gratitude? –  Everything!

When you are in a sincere state of Gratitude your energy is one of acceptance and harmony.  You resonate and project a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire.

Think of yourself as a giant magnet.  Whatever you are feeling (love, fear, anger, happiness, etc.) –  you are indeed attracting more of the same to you. Expressing Gratitude in any situation projects a magnetic force that draws to you more of what you are expressing Gratitude for.  When you are in resistance or focusing on what you “don’t want”, that focus of not wanting creates a magnetic force which only serves to draw to you more of that which you are resisting or “NOT WANTING”.  You are the one thinking your thoughts – You are the one with the power to change these thoughts.  It is important to recognize and understand the importance of accepting responsibility for whatever is going on in your life.  Start where you are right now!  Want things to change?  Change your thoughts!  Perhaps in the past you were ‘unconsciously creating’ – Now you can begin to ‘consciously create’!  Once you fully grasp and understand that your current experiences here and now, are merely guideposts showing you that you are either on the right path or need to make adjustments in your thought processes, you will become empowered to express heartfelt Gratitude for whatever is currently happening in your life, recognizing the fact the YOU created it.

When you have developed a crystal clear understanding that all things work for the greater good, no matter how seemingly bad things may appear, it becomes much easier to stay in a state of Gratitude.  You are then setting yourself up for a greater flow of abundance and happiness being attracted and coming into your life.  When the Universe sees that you are grateful for what you have, it will send you more!

Action Steps to Develop Your Attitude of Gratitude –

  1. The Mental Gratitude List – Meditate on your list of things to b e grateful for.  If meditation is not your thing, go over a mental list as you do the things that relax you, such as working in the garden, walking in the park, going fishing, or whatever relaxation activities appeal to you.
  2. The Written Gratitude List – List all of the things you can think of that you are grateful for.  Think deeply about each area of your life and begin to write in detail the good things that come to your mind as you write.
  3. Make yourself Gentle Reminders – When you notice yourself grumbling about a negative event or stressor, try to think of 4 or 5 things for which you are grateful.  For example, when feeling stressed at work, try to think of several things you like about your job.
  4. Be Careful with Comparisons – comparing yourself to those that have more, do more, or are in some way closer to their ideals, promotes feelings of inferiority rather than feeling inspired.  Realize how truly fortunate and lucky you are and feel Gratitude for having people in your life who can inspire you.
  5. Keep a Gratitude Journal – Not only are you combining the benefits of journaling with the active adoption of a more positive mindset, you are also left with a nice catalog of happy memories and a long list of things in your life for which to be grateful.  This can be wonderful to read during difficult times when it’s hard to remember what these things are.


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