by Jan Toomer

The last week or so has presented an ongoing theme for me: compassion and compassion in the midst of turmoil and chaos.

The word “compassion”, and the lessons involved with it, had popped up again and again.

I realized that it is a bit difficult to live and breath compassion when I am exhausted; dealing with deadlines; annoyed at feeling like I am not being heard by those around me; and trying to help others through their turmoil all while working to maintain my boundaries for self’s mental and physical health. Whew!

So, how much of what I just wrote is what you are going through also?

To me, compassion means I need to remember that we all have our ups and downs, moments of fear (which is the basis/root of all “negative” actions/emotions/attitudes) and pain.

For me, it also means I should accept and allow others to walk their path (as I must mine) without judging.

Please let me clarify though – being compassionate does not mean allowing others to abuse you (mentally, verbally, or physically), walk all over you, misuse you (remember…boundaries), disrespect you, etc.

It also means you can allow others to be where they are on their journey, but you do not have to accept their negative or abusive-to-you energy into your life.

As the shifts continue, our (human race) stress levels will more than likely increase more than they are currently. I ask you to remember to work on walking and talking in compassion.

I know, it’s not always easy to remember in the midst of turmoil – but, when we do walk and talk compassion, everything moves a whole lot more smoothly.

Please try to remember, we are all in this together.

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