What or Whom Are We?

by Anthony Preman

What does it mean to be a Psychic or an Intuitive?  Or should the question be, “What does it mean to be psychic or intuitive? ”

When you read the above two questions, you are reading two very different questions.  The first question, “What does it mean to be a Psychic or an Intuitive is implying that you, the reader or the individual who calls themselves a psychic or intuitive has identified yourself as just that; psychic or intuitive.  The second question, “What does it mean to be psychic or intuitive,” implies that this is a part of you, but does not define “who” you are.

Being the fact that I do not care for the word, “psychic,” as many infer this to such people as, Sister Cleo or Dionne Warwick, etc….etc. I will use the word, “intuitive.”

Being intuitive does not mean that you were born with a gift.  How many times have you met someone who either is or claims to be intuitive and they soon tell you that they were born with a gift?  For many of you that are reading this, you may think that your intuition is a gift.  But is it?

We are all born with biceps.  Some people are born with biceps that have the ability to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and there are some that no matter how hard they try and no matter how many weights they lift, they will never look like more than Olive Oyle from the Popeye cartoons.  But just because we are born with biceps, does not mean that we are “gifted;” it just means that some have a more innate ability to build those muscles and some can try and try and never gain much ground.  The same concept applies to intuition; we all have intuition and some will work their intuitive muscles so that they can spiritually “lift” very heavy objects.  Some will try and try and gain very little ground.

But the question that I have for you, the reader, is why?  If you are an individual that has wanted to be intuitive, ask yourself why?  Why would you want such a thing?  For those that never wanted intuition, but for some reason, it comes to you naturally, you can understand what I am saying.

When you look within yourself, ask yourself the question, “Am I a person who feels that intuition makes me in some special?”  You do not have to tell your answer to anyone except yourself.  But if the answer is yes, then ask yourself, why it is that being an Intuitive makes you feel the way it does?

I think we all have a need within us to feel that we are special or that we are gifted in some way that others are not.  We have been this way since we were a child.  I am quite sure that each one of us can remember back to elementary school when we had new shoes or a new outfit and how special or rather, unique from everyone else that having these things made us feel.  But there are those that never had the uniqueness or the individuality from everyone else and we never felt “special.”  But that doesn’t mean that we didn’t search for it on a conscious or subconscious level desperately throughout our lives.

How many people have you met within your life that subscribe to the statement, “I AM a Psychic”?  Have you ever wondered as to why they feel this way?  Has the mere existence of these people who define themselves as being a psychic and the title of psychic encompasses every aspect of their lives, ever made you want to withhold from telling anyone that you have these abilities out of fear that you will be put into the same category as them?  I know that I have met many people that fit this category and to be honest, there are times that it angers me.  I, of course, try to temper this anger and realize that their actions do not define me, but I am still human and deal with human emotions.

When you are alone with your thoughts and have the ability to ask yourself whether or not you define yourself as a psychic or as an individual who has intuitive abilities, please do this.  Being honest with ourselves is the hardest thing to do at times.  But if you find out that the answer to your question is that being a psychic or intuitive defines, “what” you are, ask yourself why it is that you need to feel this way?  Ask yourself what else defines, “whom” you are?

This article is the first in a series of articles that I will be writing on the subject of intuition and our spiritual growth.  But I believe that if we are to start a spiritual quest or an introspective look at ourselves, we are to start at the very basic, very foundational part of us.  And the foundation of what or whom we are is the title or words that we use to describe ourselves.

You can reach Anthony at email: anthony.preman@yahoo.com

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