by Jan Toomer

Okay, I’ll admit it…I can get cranky; I do have my moments.

When these moments occur, it’s because I am out of whack; overtired; stressed; etc. And yes…it’s my responsibility to take care of myself and stay well rested, schedule things to keep from getting overwhelmed and over tired.

Doesn’t always happen.

Remember the saying, “Like attracts like”? This is very true, especially nowadays. Our extreme and/or negative emotions become fodder for other entities that are drawn to the emotional “scent”.

Because we are also changing from mass consciousness reality to individual created reality, our state of mind, attitudes and emotions are not only “calling” or attracting entities that match the frequencies we each put out, but there are other consequences as well:

  • We weigh ourselves down – and affect those around us – with denser, heavier energy. This is not compatible with those who are working to keep energy frequencies up.
  • Affects our own physical body – as well as those physical bodies around us.
  • Our individual energies of today are literally creating our individual tomorrow.

And for those who have more than just cranky days – those whose anger, fear, guilt, hatred, rage, etc. are:

  • low-grade or higher constant anger, fear, etc.
  • explosive episodes
  • attacking others (berating, constantly ‘jabbing’ or finding at least one ‘fault’ with others and/or their work) etc.

Please just take a deep breath or three, calm yourself and then ask yourself, “What are you afraid of?” and then truly listen to your answer.

Take responsibility for your own reality, listen to the true answers within as to why this is happening, and take a positive stance on changing your fears, anger, etc.

“Like attracts like” is also true with positive energy; what we put out literally calls the same to us.

By keeping an eye on your emotions, you could release fear and begin a journey to healing.

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