Lily Dale: the true story of the town that talks to the dead by Christine Wicker. © 2003, HarperSanFrancisco. ISBN 0-06-008666-1.

Lily Dale has been touted to be the largest spiritualist community in the world.

Wicker provided some history of Lily Dale, as well as some early photographs.

When Wicker first went to Lily Dale (New York), she was “religion reporter” for a Dallas newspaper. As such, she brought a healthy dose of skepticism with her.

While Wicker stayed in Lily Dale and interviewed those willing to talk with her, she also had some readings done and participated in some classes offered there. She worked to know the people in the community and what really happens there.

Eventually Wicker did some practice (student) readings for others.

Those who had shared with Wicker provided some very interesting personal experiences; Wicker also shared her own personal experiences.

As I read the book, I was a bit frustrated with Wicker’s own experiences; she vacillated between acceptance and denial/disbelief. I never knew which Wicker I would encounter in the next paragraph.

I still remain confused as to Wicker’s final personal conclusion…but perhaps she was still working on that herself.



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