After last week’s article (Energy Attacks Occurring) , I have done some exploring; spoke with others and asked others to take a look and offer their theories.

First, a big thank you to all of you who helped with this.

Secondly, I/we do not have all of the answers.

I will do a little backtracking here – so those of you who have not been reading the blog for quite a while will have a bit more information to go on.

We – humans and the earth – are literally treading a new path – one that neither human or earth has experienced ever, so we are all learning as we go along. At this point, I can only offer what I, and some others, have observed and experienced to help you.

What was observed/experienced while delving into the “energy attacks” people have been experiencing:

  • Saw dark shapes
  • No defined edges
  • Non-sentient
  • “Parasites” just looking for energy
  • Not from our dimension
  • Not one of us felt these things enter our energy fields
  • Could only see them when we “pulsed” (explained next week)

I saw these things come here, riding on a wave – similar to watching someone surfing, but surfing on energy, not water.

Man’s Unfinished Creations

When I was younger, I saw a show on TV about prophecies and the signs for the end of days – I think it was on Aztec or Mayan prophecies. One particular sign has stuck with me all these years…

Man’s creations will turn against him.**

The show presented its interpretation of this as blenders, mixers, appliances, etc.  acting out on their own.  At the time, I knew the prophecy was correct, but the TV shows depiction was incorrect.

In some of my classes, we talk about how:

  1. energy is everything; everything is energy
  2. how our thoughts are energy
  3. we create with our thoughts. Each creation began with a thought. For example, building a chair. The creator person mentally visualizes what (s)he wants; then draws it; then figures out what materials to build it with; then builds it. The thought became real; it manifested into this reality.
  4. if we put enough energy into our thoughts, we manifest it here
  5. if we don’t put enough energy into our thought to manifest it here, it was stuck in a kind of limbo – rather slightly out of sync with our dimension (also called “space junk”) – unseen, but remaining none the less.

These things came from the dimension where our unformed thoughts ‘hung out’ and are now on the same dimension as us – in other words…they’re back; and in some cases, turning against man (see link above for “Energy Attacks Occurring”).

**I have spent hours online trying to find this particular prophecy and have been unable to find anything on it. If any of you have information on this one, please share.

Continued next week…

Part Two

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