by Jan Toomer

With our growth, we move closer to mental telepathy. This means that, if mental communication is new to you, you might start receiving flashes of information on someone else when you are focused or concentrating on that someone else.

This is mental intrusion – aka invasion of privacy – and not cool!

Reading someone without their permission is rude and goes against free will; if you don’t want someone poking in your brain/energy/memories, then don’t do it to others!

Some people have (whether with conscious intent or not) a security mode in place for intruders who read without permission; one type of security mode can result in pain or harm to the intruder…whether they meant to intrude or not.

Also, if you are that opened and without boundaries, chances are you are broadcasting yourself loudly and widespread; forcing your thoughts, emotions and flashes on whoever passes by.

There are some instances where (those who know you can “receive”) someone’s thoughts are directed to you and they are preparing to ask a question or bring up a topic to you and before they can verbalize, you are answering their thought. This is not an intrusion; it is sharing (or practicing) telepathic moments.

Another acceptable example is if someone seeks you out, with intent, for a reading.

Learning to shield and energetically pull back from others private thoughts/memories is highly recommended.

I also recommend – if possible – getting training to aid going through this transition…preferably before getting energy slammed or worse.

Please, do not violate others.

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