by Jan Toomer

Receiving information from guides, higher selves, or memory-energy can come in the form of:

  • A flash of a picture
  • A short mental video
  • A symbol
  • A dream
  • A feeling
  • A sudden knowing
  • Etc.

In other words, metaphysical shorthand; unfortunately, there is no 100% accurate metaphysical manual for interpretation – and oftentimes the symbolism is unique to the receiver.

For most of us – to interpret means that the receiver must taken into account their own life experiences, perceptions and internal symbolism definitions and then work to keep their own history from incorrectly coloring the information being ‘downloaded’ into them.

Next, the receiver needs to translate the information into either the written word of the local language, or the spoken word of the local language for the recipient/client to understand the message.

Animals communicate simply and efficiently through emotions/feelings and mental pictures/visualization.

I think they’ve got it right.

Getting Stuck

Having done a reading in a location, I then was trying to translate what I saw/felt/knew into words to verbally communicate the information to my husband.

I got stuck.

I could ‘see’ the information, but couldn’t ‘find’ the word…I got a bit flustered.

(Here we go!)

Which brought me to…

If we could all move past this time-consuming, limited form of communication and get back to mental telepathy, then ideas, concerns, concepts, and communication in general would be felt and/or experienced and received quickly and efficiently.

No more searching for the right word or words to try to accurately convey our meaning or intent.

Of course, that would also mean no more lying or deceit of any kind…but it would also mean we’d no longer have to deal with metaphysical shorthand.


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