What do you do for a living? When you leave the office/work place, do you expect to do your work for free on your own free/down time?

When we each go to the doctor or dentist office, we make an appointment and we expect to pay for the doctor’s experience.

When we go to an auto mechanic, we expect to pay for their expertise.

We expect to pay for our haircuts; veterinary expertise, etc.

So why is it that when we get a moment with our friends or acquaintances who are the SEO expert, metaphysical consultant, computer tech, energy healer, psychic, graphics pro, self-employed persons, etc. many jump at wanting to ‘pick their brains’ and not pay for the privilege?

Or, how many people feel that because they paid for the service once that the other person is now at their beck and call?

Do you know how many “just one quick question” is asked of each person? Do others think that these people don’t have to pay bills? Do they think these people want to work 24/7?

Each profession involves that person having been trained; they work their profession as a way to pay their bills (and yes, everyone has bills to pay), in addition to the personal reason as to why they joined their profession.

When you need someone’s assistance, it is because you are not trained in that area of expertise – and you compensate that individual/company for accessing their expertise.

So, please, as the New Year approaches, make a commitment to honor yourself and others by not taking advantage of those in your life.

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