We’ve recently had a young lone coyote appearing around the outside of the house. We had guessed s/he was looking for rabbits and hares, since coyote was following their well known trails.

I looked out the window and saw coyote with nose to the ground apparently having caught the scent of a hare. I watched as coyote zigged and zagged, following an erratic trail.

Movement a short distance away caught my eye. The hare was watching the coyote! If the coyote – nose still to the ground – got within 5 to 10 feet of the hare – the hare would zig-zag another few feet and stop; always watching coyote.

Several times, all coyote had to do was lift his head, look ever so slightly to the right and he would be practically face to face with hare.

But coyote kept his nose to the ground, utilizing only his sense of smell to hunt his prey.

As humans, we also do not utilize all of our senses to their potential. How much as we missing by using only a small portion of our capabilities?


Jan Toomer
February 11, 2009

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