Many people are working on breaking away from – or in some cases rebelling against – the perceptions others have of you.

Each person has a perception of who you are, and they hold that perception-mask up between themselves and you. When you (dare to!) step outside of those perceptions, it oftentimes angers and/or alienates the other person.

What is the purpose of people projecting their own perceptions onto you? An attempt to control – and most of us have been doing this for a long time.

Think About It

As parents we try to mold our children into what we perceive for them and their lives.

We learned that from our parents; we tried it on our kids…and the cycle continues.

And what happens when the children reach the age of creating themselves? They often rebel against the parents perceptions of how they think their children should be.

This can create issues with self – perhaps a subconscious feeling or need to fit the various masks presented to you. Yet, you’re not so happy when others try to make you fit into the molds they’ve created based on their perception of you.

And it’s not just a parent/child thing. There are also teachers, friends, spouses, acquaintances, co-workers, bosses, etc. – each has a unique perspective of you.


When you moved from the family home and have grown, then you return for a visit, you may find yourself instantly back into playing the role (aka perception-mask or energy pattern) you had while growing up there.

The family unit goes back to the old energy patterns/roles of when you were a youth.

When the Mold Breaks

Others can hold the energy of their perception-mask…but it’s up to you as to whether or not you will step into that role/mask/energy pattern.

When you step out/away from someone’s perspective-mask of you, the other person may become shocked, angry, hurt, disappointed, etc. – even if you never pretended to be anything or anyone other than you. You have shattered an illusion of another’s creation; you have shattered their illusion of control.

Discovering Who You Are

If you haven’t done so yet, perhaps it’s time to break the molds you had conformed to; release/let go the perception-masks others created for you. Step away and discover who you are; not how others think you should be.

By Jan Toomer

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