I have been taking a healing class and have been fascinated.

Through this class, I have slowly been removing filters I have placed – over my lifetime – on my abilities. I have had so many filters!

What Are Filters?

They are what we use to dampen ‘noise’ around us.

Example 1: You have moved (or are visiting) a new place (hotel, apartment, condo, house, etc) and the noises are new to you, so you are very much aware of every sound around you. Gradually, though, those sounds become less and less pronounced, until they are incorporated into the background…then you only hear sounds which are no longer considered normal background noise.

Example 2: When you go to the store, you are aware of others in the store, but you only stop and look when something/someone, out of your ‘norm’, catches your attention. Then you focus on that.

The same can be applied to abilities – they can be dampened.

As a child, I ‘saw’ and ‘heard’ energies, entities, etc. all the time. As I grew, I learned to filter them. They were still active, but unless I was doing energy work, they became background noise; the unusual is what would get my attention in day to day life.

As some filters are being removed, it is….well, freeing.

My filters are cumbersome. It’s like having layers of clothing and wearing a coat on top of that, during very cold winter months.

Removing the filters is like a warm spring day – no cumbersome clothing (rather shorts and a t-shirt). I can enjoy the warm comfortable spring breeze on my skin.

And I never realized this until now!

I have to admit, filters were in place so I wouldn’t be distracted – or a distraction – in daily life. Most people weren’t comfortable around me when I stopped and talked to the ‘air’ (grin).

Except for around my husband and long time friends, I don’t usually talk to the ‘air’. On that note, I hadn’t realized to what extent I let my filters drop around them until a friend recently told me that she never knew if I was talking to her, the cat, my guides…or what.

I laughed, but duly noted this and make an attempt to address whomever I am speaking to now. Ha!

Now Seems An Excellent Time To Remove Filters

Earth’s energy, as well as those who inhabit Earth, is raising; it is appropriate that we become more connected and not so bundled-up.

Filters are different than Shielding. Shielding is used to not absorb the energies of others (you can still sense the energies around you – you just don’t absorb them) and is especially recommended for empaths (who feel others’ energies as though it was their own).

Having said/wrote that, please note: we are all becoming more empathic.

Do you think it’s time for us to drop the filters and become more connected?

I do.

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