by Jan Toomer

I received word from quite a few people yesterday that they experienced going from feeling fine or wonderful to being slammed – drained of energy, body reacting with soreness or aching, foggy mind, sluggishness or inability to concentrate.

Some experienced this with feeling great Monday, and waking Tuesday feeling blah (or worse); some woke up in the middle of the night; and some started Tuesday morning off okay, then it went wonky by mid-afternoon.

There were solar flares on June 7th; these solar flares do affect us – not just visually or with our electronics. Those who are energy workers usually feel the effects first – our being/energy feels it before the rest of the physical world actually experiences the effects.

Please remember to shield (podcast refresher if needed: ) – and begin to bump up the frequency of the Source energy you pull down to shield with; maintain balance and patience.

If you try to fight the energy waves, it will make it even more uncomfortable; please shield, keep your frequency/vibration up, deep breaths and ride it out. Our bodies adjust faster if we don’t work to fight against it.

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