We had constantly struggled to fit somewhere – to belong. We didn’t know who we were, so we longed to be around others who would help define us.

Then many found themselves cut off, or more isolated, than ever before; spending quality alone time.

Some enjoyed this new opportunity.

Some people panicked and scrambled to fill this new void; some became depressed or confused; some became lost and floundered; some became angered or scared.

Many asked “Who am I now that I am alone?”

As humans we are part of the animal kingdom; humans, on the whole, are pack (group) animals…we like to belong and be accepted in a group.

The reason for the semi-isolation is for us to discover the truth; the truth of who we are when stripped down to the bare bones (figuratively, not literally). With isolation/semi-isolation, we are provided the opportunity to delve into, and explore, self; self as not defined by others.

Scary, eh?

Using myself as an example:

One description or label of me in the past was “Chameleon” – as one who changed to fit the needs of others. In other words to be (hopefully!) what one needed for their growth at the time (if I was to work with them); I became the energy that the individual or group may have needed at that moment in time.

This is not unlike the wearing of masks of old; one donned a mask to “become” what was needed, or to invoke the spirits or essences, that were needed for the group or individual.

Since my semi-retirement (semi-isolation) I have wondered who “Jan” really is – the me without the “masks” to aid others.

I know that I AM a being of Light, temporarily housed in a third dimensional body.

I know that my “chameleon” days have been completed…so like many others, I ask “Now what?” and without utilizing chameleon or masks, “Who am I to me?”

One animal totem appeared recently – Dragonfly. The oracle cards said to quit living with the illusion of different masks.

“Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews wrote that the dragonfly aids you to see through one’s own illusions to let the real you come through.

So, for my self-exploration, I have let go of chameleon and work to discover the soul self in a human body without utilizing the views and perceptions (that I may have accepted in the past) that others have or have had of me.

Self-discovery has been brought to a whole new level. Happy soul self discovery!

by Jan Toomer


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