by Jan Toomer

Yeah, I know…you’ve heard this before…very “new age-y”, right? But the saying doesn’t tell you diddley-squat – or does it?

Did You Know?

  • We are magnificent beings! We can do much more than we give ourselves credit for.
  • We are so much more than a skin-sack of bones, muscle, tissue, etc.
  • Some researchers have reported that our thinking is actually taking place outside of our brains/bodies*- (*Simplified) – and it’s all about energy!
  • As we begin to understand that we are energy that is temporarily housed in a physical body/container – we can stretch our thinking beyond our pre-conceived notions of our limitations; in other words, there are no limits!

What Does This Have to Do with Answers Within?

Guides, angels, etc. can offer suggestions, but how you interpret that information and what you decided to with it falls solely on you. This is free-will; this life is your experience.

You can “plug into” your Higher Self, and/or to the Universal Network (which is available to anyone) to gain information and knowledge or understanding.

When this is accomplished, it may come with an “Aha!” moment; clarity, or an expansive feeling, with sudden knowing or understanding.

We are all capable of this.

Can We Get Incorrect Information?

Yes if you are not shielded/protected, and/or if you are in a place of fear (including not trusting the connection between physical self and your higher self). Ego interference is also an issue.

You may also interpret incorrectly. As information comes down, it comes through the subtle bodies, in through internal filters, interpreted through (and possibly jaded by) personal experiences up to that moment.

The Answers Are Within You

As we each work on our connection to our higher self to make it more clear, we can have access to all answers (as allowed per your soul plan) – you only need to shield and listen to the answers that come from within you.

However, by constantly seeking answers, confirmation or validation from others outside of you, you are training your physical self to doubt, question and disqualify the communication between self and higher self. In nutshell, you do not trust yourself.

(Having said that, I do question everything I get, but only because I feel the need to get to know the information and see if it “fits” me – without ego; if it does not fit me, I do not accept/absorb that information into me. I trust me to feel/know if that information I hear/see/receive is correct for me. In other words, I trust me to inform me of the validity of information received.)

Constant confirmation/validation from other people is not recommended on a regular basis – again, this action repeated nullifies the act of building communication between physical self and higher self.

I do recommend to occasionally, while learning your own symbology/communication skills with higher self, to touch base with (one that you are comfortable with – one who does not want to do all the thinking for you) an energy-reader and/or dream interpreter when you get stuck or to compare/check yourself on your progress of developing the communication skills between physical self and higher self.

Your own answers can be found within you – practice and learn to trust your inner guidance.

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