The Souls of Animals by Gary Kowalski. © 1991. Stillpoint Publishing. ISBN 0-913299-84-7.

“Do animals have souls?”

Kowalski provided examples, stories, and his insights and/or observations of animals in an attempt to discover if animals have souls.

Each chapter was assigned a question. Each chapter question was explored within that chapter. Some of the chapters addressed: death, affairs of the heart; ethics, love; play and self-awareness – in both humans and animals.

Throughout this book, Kowalski offered some interesting observations and also asked the reader thought-provoking questions.

Kowalski offered an exercise for the reader to try – to look into the eyes of another (human or animal) and take note of what you see. He then writes, “What you look upon is a living spirit.” (p. 91)

Do your beliefs include animals having souls? Not sure? Read this book and decide for yourself.

I recommend this book for everyone.

April 8, 2009

Review by Jan Toomer



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