by Peter Perkins

I have noticed how things seem to be rapidly moving now in the world. A good deed rapidly leads to a return good deed; positive thoughts and negative thoughts are being answered faster then ever. Things may manifest in your life at an increased rate. This is something taking place on a small scale – such as getting angry on the road and hitting every red light – or concentrating on things I am grateful about and catching green lights all the way; offering help or support to someone and soon after help or support coming my way. You may notice this in your own life.

On a larger scale you have some of the calamities or events transpiring around the world are instantly brought into awareness. It is a sign of the technological world we are living in but it is also more then that. It is a change in consciousness. Now not only do events and news come to us faster then ever, but people react to such events at equally blinding speed. The tsunami and the earthquakes brought aid almost as quickly as these tragedies occurred. So too do we hear about political unrest or other events which would never reach our ears or eyes just ten years ago.

Things just can’t be hidden the way they used to as the mass conscious rises with the changing times. It seems as though technology is acting as a means for us to communicate the way we can as spirits; communication is largely telepathic and secrets are something that can’t be kept, nor can lies exist when one is out of body or a being of light. While we are still beings of this third dimensional reality and for the moment need technology to mimic this natural form of communication for most people it shows that many people are ready for the changes taking place.

Old die hard beliefs are also falling to the wayside. How many of you ever expected the Vatican to talk about extraterrestrial life? Even the knowledge that we live in a physical, solid world is being disproven by quantum physics. While evolution and Darwinism seemed to replace religious beliefs now we see a rise in creationism and intelligent design being brought out.

Even time can change! Recently the massive earthquake in Chile altered the earth and caused a change in the earths revolutions. While the change in time was minor it is another clear indication that even such constants as time that we took for granted can change,

All of these things are not something to be afraid of but approached with optimism.  In the past change took place also though it required a great deal of time. When Copernicus introduced the idea that the sun was at the center of our view of the universe he was scoffed at and ridiculed. The people of his time believed the earth was at the center of the universe and that all revolved around it. Now we take for granted what was revolutionary back then.

So let’s look towards the future as a revealing of more truths, a time when we may have to relinquish old beliefs and limiting thinking to embrace the changing times.

Keep this in mind as you look towards the future.


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