by Dragon Spirit

So, I’m a dragon. What does that mean?

Well, it depends on who you ask. Yes, it’s subjective to each person’s knowledge or lack of; fear, hatred or love of; and whether they believe in us or not.

Then there is me.  Wacky, honery and slightly psychotic (from the human’s view). As a dragon I can tell you that we are loyal, fierce, strong, generally street smart, protective and loving with a wicked sense of humor. But God help you if you mess with anyone we love. I think that’s where humans got the idea that we are ugly, evil monsters. We have a nasty tendency to fight to the death for the things we believe in or love (sometimes to our detriment). Between our protective nature and some less than honorable human intentions, we seem to have gained a bad rap in this world.

But did a human ever stop to think that we might be afraid of them? We were tortured, starved, and driven from this plane out of fear, hatred and anger by a human population we had no intention of harming. Why?

That which is least known about tends to be most misunderstood. Especially, if viewed as a threat. You only have to look at history to see examples of that human behavior. Let’s try the Salem Witch Trials, the persecution of the Jewish people under Hitler, segregation, and the destruction of various animal populations just to name a few. (And sadly things of this nature are still happening even now.)

And you wonder why we have trust issues?

So the next time you meet something or someone who is different or a little “out there,”  step back and ask yourself why you don’t like them.  What am I seeing that reminds me of me, what have I been conditioned to think and do those thoughts match what I really feel? Or is it just a load of bunk I’ve been fed to serve someone else’s purpose? Don’t get me wrong there are some truly nasty things in the world, but make sure you aren’t pre-prejudiced because of someone else’s views.

You may be amazed at what you find. And please remember that we dragons are just as diverse as humans. We come in all shapes, sizes and colors. And if you’re lucky enough to actually make friends with us, we might even take you for flight. Just bring your nerves and a raincoat because we love speed and playing in waterfalls.

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