We Are the Zombies

I had a dream.
A restless dark dream.
A telling dream.

For years I begged
people to pay attention…

To take responsibility.

The words mainly unheard.

I had a dream…
a telling dream.

People ignored the horrors
building around them…

People waited for others
to fix the problems.

The others laugh
at all of us.

They say we are
oblivious and weak…

And they will do whatever
they want

to US.

I had a dream.

Oh God!

It wasn’t a dream…

We are the zombies.


This really was a dream, explaining to me the “zombie” promotions from CDC (Center for Disease Control), and commercialization of “zombies” (games, movies, shows, cartoons, etc).

We are the zombies – made numb through various “carriers”; not thinking for ourselves. We can be herded and the body be destroyed from the inside out by chemical poisonings (GM foods, “vaccines”, etc).

by Jan Toomer


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