For three nights I tossed and turned. Noises, noises, noises.

I was really annoyed – all day long I kept hearing planes flying overhead.

I had trouble getting to sleep – so many loud noises. I run a fan at night for white noise, but the planes drowned that out.

I was awakened later by a loud bang. I dozed off. I woke up to the sound of a plane. What the heck?

I finally got 2 hours of sleep in the late morning.

When I headed for the kitchen, I realized I was hearing blasted planes again! I grabbed my sunglasses and headed outside – I wanted to know who was flying so low and repetitively. It took me a bit – I searched the clear skies for the plane that I could still hear.

I wasn’t flying low – it wasn’t even near the house.

My husband called from work, so I asked him if he heard planes last night. Clearly annoyed, he answered, “Yes, they kept waking me up.”

This went of for a few nights; neither of us could find any mention in local news sources or through networking of anyone else having these problems.

Sense Overload

As we become more sensitive due to our energies vibrating faster and higher, our senses can be temporarily overloaded – and we can experience weird energy.

Sight, sound, taste, hearing, smell…all, some or one can become heightened when we experience a growth spurt.

Noises and smells had been bugging me for a few days now.

In the past, I recommended patience and visualizing creating a “volume knob”; picture yourself turning the noise (smell, or any other of the senses) knob down to reduce the effect – knowing you can turn it up again if you need or want.

After you realize what’s may be going on, it may take a day or two to get the knob working to your satisfaction….in other words, it may take some practice to get it to a comfortable level.


We are still working on clearing up our pasts, healing our bodies and minds (linked to clearing up our pasts) and lightening the load; accepting responsibility (we are getting a bit better on this one!); and learning to create.

During all of this, Mother Earth is calling us to get back to nature – which is not always easy since we like our comfortable and easy-to-access synthetic and processed created world around us.

Mother Earth is rising in energy as well and working on moving into the fifth dimension.

Between Mother Earth working on balancing and raising herself, and us working on balancing and raising our energy, it’s no wonder we sometimes feel off or get glitchy.

Electronics & Other 3rd Dimensional Stuff

When we get glitchy, we tend to be out of sync with electronics or even maybe our day-to-day routine goes wonky; all third-dimensional stuff.

I know this is frustrating, but try to find your peace within, take a couple of deep cleansing breaths and maybe work on something else for a bit.

Yesterday I walked into our walk-in closet, stomped my foot one time and let loose with a primal release of lower energies (I am not sure how else to describe it – it was not a yell; more like a very verbal lion’s breath release, deep and low).

This broke loose some stuck energy (not energy stuck in the closet, but in me) and helped release it which helped me to rebalance and ground.

Once stuck energy was cleared, I had no other issues for the rest of the day.

It becomes more important, on a personal level, to learn how to adapt and move through the energy growth spurts and energy changes.

Don’t be afraid to experiment safely (do no harm to self or others) to see what you need to do to adapt.

About Jan



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