I am pretty sure that each of us has met – at one time or another – a whiner. These are people who whine about… well, usually everything about their life (has also been called the ‘victim’ role).

Now we all have our whining moments – but I am talking about those who whine, and do not want assistance, guidance, advice, another’s outlook or help; they just want to complain, and be heard – but don’t want to do anything about it.

I got tired of this type of interaction.

I realized that no one will change until they are ready to change, so I had to change my reaction.

Utilizing “Love and Logic” training*, coupled with learning to accept people as they are, and incorporating my boundaries (I do not accept drama in my life) – I changed my reaction to whiners.

Now, if I run across a whiner – I hear them and acknowledge their complaint(s) with “I know” or “I am sorry you feel that way” (with sincerity – not frustration or sarcasm); I do not absorb or get caught up in their drama and am accepting where they are in their life.

This way, I am accepting the other person’s right ‘to be’ and am honoring myself as well.

* (The book  ”Parenting with Love and Logic’ by Jim Fay and Foster Cline – and they have wonderful “Love and Logic” courses – I highly recommend them. You can find out more at loveandlogic.com or look for a “Love and Logic” trainer in your area.)

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