(These questions were similar, so were brought together here.)

Q(a): We are into instant manifestation, so why aren’t my humble personal requests being manifested?

Q(b): Why can’t I manifest?

Channeled by Tracy Gohrick:

The time is right for you to make requests.  The time might not be right for them to be answered.  Patience and to look inside to see why exactly you want what it is you are asking for.

by Jan Toomer:

Below are three “possibles”.

1.  Yes, we have entered the phase of near (if not outright) instant manifestation – however, if you have not yet finished the steps, or worked on them enough that you lightened your load – and/or – if you are working to block yourself …then there will be no manifestation*.

Think of it this way:
Remember the old diving equipment – the weighted boots, brass helmets, etc.? They were heavy and made to remove buoyancy.

You can liken that to the crap we each carry today and are supposed to be working on healing and releasing so we can once again regain our buoyancy.

2.  You wouldn’t allow someone who has no driving experience to switch seats with you while driving on the interstate – the results would be devastating and/or downright deadly.

So too is allowing someone to instantly manifest if they hadn’t yet learned how to work it and acknowledge/accept the responsibility that comes with instant manifestation.

3. When past is cleared (including the “victim role”); responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and deeds has become one’s normal practice; and knowing (and again, accepting responsibility for) one’s own energy…then one can begin practicing instant manifestation with the understanding that:

a) You are not a victim! You are responsible for, and living in, the energy you have used to create; it wasn’t G-d or anyone else who has “done this” to you or “allowed this” to happen to you.

Wallowing in one’s own “I am a victim” attitude does not allow progress.

b) You will have to learn what your own thoughts are, conscious and subtle, to be able to manipulate/program energy – aka….manifest.

If you have not worked to recognize all of your thoughts, then you will not recognize that your thoughts may be conflicting – this conflict can negate manifestation.

*(You can find the various steps/phases: in previous articles – over the last 3-4 years; in past newsletters over the last 3-4 years.)

by Hyperion:

(b) You are manifesting and this is why there is conflict in your life.

(a) Once again they are being manifested in your abilities and your confidence in what you are hearing from your guides and through your higher self.  It is up to you to accept those messages which you receive to go forward and understand your messages and your ability.  They have granted you that ability to see this opportunity, now it is your responsibility to go forward to learn from them to obtain the human aspect of going forward and teach and inspire those around you to be better in their understanding of that message.

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