(Channeled by) Jan Toomer

The following was a message brought in for a newly awakened Lightworker; the information is being shared here for others who are working to remember who they are and what they are supposed to be doing.

“When you started “seeing” 11:11, it was your trigger – your wake up call; your reminder it was time to start remembering who you are and what you are here for.

Earth – and humans – have never been where they are now – this is new – there is nothing humans can draw on to teach them the new energies – no one on earth has ever been here before; Earth, herself, has never been in this frequency before.

Lightworkers (and darkworkers) are more numerous on Mother Earth than ever!  And Lightworkers are really coming into remembrance as to who they are and what their purpose is.

Lightworkers are awakening to hold the energy vibrations higher, and give humans a chance to rise higher and higher to prepare for the 5th dimension (where thought becomes instant manifestation) – many are in training right now, to learn to control their energies and their thoughts so that they may show/teach others.

Once a Lightworker has learned to control their energy and thoughts, they are welcome to step up to the next level – that of creating with the new energies that are now showing up on Earth and within the Lightworkers…. This is the new that has never been experienced. Lightworkers are developing new ways of healing, assisting, teaching, manipulating energy.

Lightworkers are assisting in moving earth and humans (whose vibrations have come up) to the 5th dimension – Mother Earth has already begun her preparations of self cleansing and bringing her energy up.

Darkworkers work hard to stop this transition from happening. This is why Lightworkers who are awakening must learn to control their energies and thoughts – if they do not, they become vulnerable to dark energies – those who have not controlled their energies and thoughts put out a very bright neon light (so to speak) announcing that fact to the entire energy realm.

Not everyone’s triggers have been 11:11 – each being has set their own triggers up… (2:22, etc. or something not even connected to numbers).

A Lightworker cannot help others until the Lightworker has a handle on self – what your own energy feels like; setting up boundaries of what will and will not allow into your life/energy; remember and claim your personal energy/power/authority (not egotistically; rather spiritually) – and when this has happened, you can expand your Light outward….

‘And where there is Light, there cannot be any shadows’.


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