by Jan Toomer

I had trouble with this week’s article; what uplifting message could I produce when right now I am soul deep tired?

I know, it’s not all about me – and a lot of the Lightworkers are feeling this way right now.

If you have ever given birth in this lifetime, then you know what I am talking about when I say we are experiencing the part of birthing when we are tired – so tired – and don’t want to push anymore.

All of us (regardless of male or female) are either currently – or soon to be – going through this birthing process.

We are working on leaving behind the “safety” and comfort of the third dimension; this is a process that may include exhaustion and/or sleeping deeper and longer at night; hunger issues (not wanting to eat; really hungry or vacillating between the two); developing a hefty dislike for pettiness, self-centeredness, anger, hostility, manipulation, etc.

These “birthing pains” may also include feeling the need to stretch and break out of confining energy; similar to a snake working to shed it’s old skin. Also feeling a need to have more alone time to regenerate or re-energize.

Some are having difficulty with third dimension business – whether working for someone else or self-employed…it can feel so heavy and feel like a struggle to maintain; can also find some dealing with frustration, agitation, and/or depression with the “9-5” rut.

You may like what you are doing, but may not like the atmosphere, office politics, bureaucracy, pettiness, competitiveness, etc… in other words the dense, no-so-positive 3rd dimensional energy and behaviors.

Many are so ready to break away from that – but right now, don’t really have another avenue until we have finished breaking away from the 3rd.

Please be patient with this process…it didn’t happen overnight – it won’t be resolved overnight. We are shedding how many thousands of years of physical and energetic programming?

It will pass – we just each need to continue to work on healing and releasing our past, moving forward in our soul and spiritual growth.

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