The pull to write was very strong…but as I sat to write, nothing popped into my head.

Usually the pull to write is followed by a concept, idea, experience, observation, etc. that my team brings to my attention to write about.

And here I sat…nothing.

I got up and got another load of laundry started, and then folded t-shirts.

When I finished, I sat down and checked. Yep, the pull to write was still there. I could feel them, but nothing else came in.

So I asked, “Okay guys – what is today’s topic?”

I heard, “WE ARE HERE”.

Okay, good. Maybe I am just a little off today. They acknowledged that they were there, so I waited.

And waited.

Got up and checked FB and email.

Tuned in.

“We Are Here”

Frustrated, I went to the couch and sat down, closed my eyes, shielded and asked what the deal was – what did they want me to write about?

“We Are Here”

Duh. I am a little slow sometimes.

We Are Here

When my deceased daughter’s birthday rolled around this year, it hit me really hard; it had never hit me like this before.

I felt so alone…which is ironic for someone who can “see”, “hear” and speak to the dead – my daughter included. I am never alone…ever.

And that, my friends, was the point of my team saying “We Are Here”.

As we go through our life with its struggles, fears, hurdles, hopes, dreams, love, etc. – there are many times that we feel alone.

Even in the most crowded spaces – crowded buildings or streets – we feel so alone.

We are never alone.

Okay, don’t get creeped out; it is not like they are watching us all the time. But your team is energetically tuned into you; they are your support team.

Just because you may not see or feel/sense them, doesn’t negate their connection to you.

Amidst the turmoil percolating both world-wide and in your personal life; when you feel vulnerable; when you are hurting, scared, frustrated, feeling hopeless…

…”We Are Here”.

They will not interfere with your life lessons and/or soul contracts, but if you ask, and have faith, they will help guide you.

How Do I Ask?

I am often asked how one should talk to God/Goddess/Source and/or their team (aka guides, guardian angels, etc.).

Some people prefer praying or supplicating. If this is your style, go for it.

Some people thought me irreverent for my approach, but it works for me. I talk to both the Source/etc. and my team as though they were life long friends…which, for me, they are.

They know me – the real core me – better than anyone (including my physical self) and they know the complete story on Jan.

I have cried, yelled, begged, thanked, prayed, and then some. I do not hold back. I talk, air out my stuff, etc. And I trust them without a doubt.

“We Are Here”

Please remember, you are never alone.


by Jan Toomer

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