The following energy signatures, or energy descriptions (not all inclusive), are from my observations and interpretations on the energy levels.

I highly recommend anyone with anger or rage issues to seek counseling.

As we spiritually evolve, we become more sensitive and we become more empathic.

An empath has the ability to sense and/or feel another’s emotions; some inexperienced or unprotected empaths may feel someone else’ emotions so strongly they may confuse these as being their own emotions (they cannot delineate between their emotions and someone else’s emotions which can result in an emotional rollercoaster ride).

Some are Adjusting; Some are Not

Each month we are introduced to another wave of new energies, so many of us are working on adapting and adjusting to the new energy.

Unfortunately, there are some who are not adjusting, or not adjusting well; these are not pleasant people to be around if you are an empath.

What is the Difference Between Rage and Anger?

I recently was verbally attacked by someone in rage; as most energy workers know, it is more than mere words that hits someone faced with negative emotions or behaviors.

Both rage and anger are fear based emotions. Energetically they both show they are in fear, and may feel like they are in the victim energy.


Energetically, an angry person is hurt or scared; perhaps feeling frustrated, misunderstood, or see themselves as a victim and usually wants resolution or understanding of the incident/situation that triggered the anger. Angry energy can hear the other person, but the angered person may retreat for a bit until feeling safe again.

  • The energy attack initially pokes or pushes the target (depending on the strength of anger energy). The attacks can be subtle or “in-your-face”.
  • The unprotected empath is hit with anger and this may trigger their energy to absorb anger; they suddenly feel angry and may not know why.
  • Anger, if set aside long enough to communicate and seek resolution, can often dissipate. However, if both parties are feeling attacked/violated/hurt (remember, empaths feel the attackers energy as if it were their own) – then the anger between the two remains; when held in pride, stubbornness, or victim role, it will perpetuate the angry energy. This is not healthy for either body or their energy fields.


Rage feeds itself or feeds off the target’s confusion/fear. Rage energy usually doesn’t want resolution, it wants revenge, vengeance or to feel more powerful. Rage energy also feels like it has been victimized, but uses that feeling to bully or threaten its target. Rage feels justified in its behavior; rage energy usually refuses to hear anyone but self.

  • energy slashes, as if with razor claws, at the target. Rage energy is not easily sated; attacks can be once per incident (not often) or numerous per incident (more often the case) and is not always isolated to the initial target.
  • When someone in rage confronts their target (the person being attacked), and if that person is an unprotected or inexperienced empath, it feels similar to getting hit with electricity.

Ever get a mild electrical shock from a household current? (Do not attempt this!) It hurts.

An unprotected person who gets energetically attacked is hit with something stronger than that.

Also, electricity finds an exit point and leaves the body; rage energy does not find an exit point; it stays inside of the unprotected person who was attacked.

If left in the body, the energy can keep recirculating, usually following the body’s meridian paths/lines.

Just like exposure to electricity, the muscles can get sore and shaky; muscles can cramp or seize.

And if left longer, the extremities can feel like a heated wire was inserted down along each limb.

  • Once the attack begins, there are usually harsh words accompanying the attack.
  • It doesn’t matter if the target had anything to do with the incident or not; once decided on a target, the person in rage attacks – no questions asked.
  • The attacker may hold on to this feeling of revenge or hatred towards the intended target – though the incident may be over, the need for revenge or retribution usually stays.

So What’s an Empath To Do?

Empaths really need to remain shielded at all times. I had let my shield down. I had been road tired (traveling) and was stopping by a place on my way home; it had been at a place I had always felt safe in and felt safe with all the people involved. I was wrong, at least one person was not someone I could be safe around and will not let my shields down again.

Emotions, whether ours or someone else’s, can affect each person; the more unbalanced the energies coming at you, the more you have to work to stay balanced yourself.

I am not saying to live in paranoia; I am saying for you to be responsible for your own energy. Please stay shielded; if an unexpected energy attack occurs, your chances for bouncing back/healing from the energy attack greatly increase in strength and duration when shielded – your energy body, therefore your physical body, won’t absorb as much negativity.

Shielding is not a cure-all, but can be an effective tool to help aid you.

Everyone can begin working on what they will and will not allow in their lives. Since I have had a reminder of rage energy, my energy field will be reprogrammed to not allow this type of energy in my life again (please note that soul contracts can override any boundaries you place on your life).

by Jan Toomer


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