I know many of us are tired of hearing this over and over. Please realize – we really have been carrying a lot of stuff, so it is taking time to keep peeling back layers; cleansing and healing, releasing and moving on to yet another layer.

The good news is – for many – that the layers, and what comes up with them, are becoming easier to heal and purge; this is because – for many of us – we have dealt with the heavier, more major unfinished “business” from our pasts.

A Blast from the Past

Over the last few weeks, a friend, who I’ve not seen or heard from for over twenty years, kept popping into my head.

I’ve no idea where she had been or where she is now; but her face kept popping in at weird times. We had parted on wonderful terms, but life took us in different directions and different continents. We had lost touch.

As I drove into town today, lost in the classic rock on my stereo, she suddenly popped in again.

As I entered down  town, I stopped at a stop light. I looked up in my rearview mirror and saw, in the SUV behind me, what looked like a younger version of my friend.

I chuckled at the similarity.

The light turned green and I turned onto a side street.

As I continued on, I suddenly “saw” myself at my house. This vision continued with the door bell ringing.

I opened the door and she stood in front of me. I felt a wave of sadness coming off of her. I opened my arms, and she fell into them and began to sob.

The vision ended with me still holding her.

Right now I can’t tell you if she’s dead or alive; I suspect the unfinished business was from her side. Perhaps all that was needed was me “seeing” myself welcome her with open arms to heal what she needed to complete.

Not So Clear

Things may not be so clear to us when the old pops up. Most of us are literally not the same people we were from ten, twenty or more years ago.

So, what’s the reason for clearing up stuff from so long ago?

Because that old stuff anchors a part of us into that past experience; thus anchoring us to the older, heavier past energy.

Growth now-a-days means healing the past and removing those anchors created oh so long ago.

by Jan Toomer


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