We are feeling the push. “Move forward”, “Get back to work”, “It’s time”, etc.

Yet for some of us, as we work to get back to work, we are finding speed bumps – or in some cases – walls. These are slowing us down, detouring us or stopping us altogether.

This energy feels different than the Mercury Retrograde (which slows down, detours, etc.) and began well before Mercury went Retro; but, it very well may add to it.

A friend and I mulled this over recently, sounding it out to one another.

I cannot speak for her, but what follows are my thoughts on it.

We are feeling the draw, or feeling the call, to get back to working with the public.

We are being presented with speed bumps, etc.

We, I believe, were trying to go back to doing things the way we did them before.

We are no longer in sync with “before”. We are beginning to work more in depth with the new energies.

We are the wayshowers, the ones who clear the path. We have to find and learn the new way and then show it to others.

Okay, so that answered some questions, but it also brought up a new question….


Sorry folks, it is a work in progress.

But I can say this – we’ve already begun working a bit this way, so it will be a matter of refining and expanding it.

I will share as things click into place.

So, to be continued…

by Jan Toomer


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