I continue to work on healing and releasing my third dimensional-ness.

I was frustrated while working on one of my recent issues-for-release. I felt like I was on a vicious merry-go-round. I noticed that I still carried the fear-energy that I possessed when I was a child.

Even though the adult-Jan healed and released energy imbalances from a past unhealthy relationship, I discovered that I still hid and harbored fears as the child-Jan.

So basically, the adult-me took care of the adult fear connection. Now I needed to address, resolve, release and heal the child-Jan’s shoved-deep-inside-fears of yesteryears.

I called my team and asked for guidance.

I was shown me standing. The front of me was clean and brightly lit.

My backside showed multiple tethers hooked into the skin on my back. Each tethered hook ended in a cast iron anchor which sat on the ground.

I thanked the fear for keeping me alert and alive as a child, and told the fear that it was no longer needed.

I gently removed each hook from my back, freeing me from those anchors. I cleansed and soothed my back with love and light.

And stepped forward.

The Gift of Fear

We are – daily – offered the gift of fear.

We are free to accept this gift. With accepting it comes the anchors and an addictive need to perpetuate the fear. Our energy becomes dedicated to fear.

We are free to reject the gift of fear. With rejection, we are then gifted with the energy to focus on more healthy things…like compassion and love.

There are some gifts I just don’t want anymore, thank you.

by Jan Toomer


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