As I mentioned in the last article, I am learning to about the new energies and am trying to bring it more into all that I do. The new energies of love and compassion.

I am not a saint and still have work to do, especially about those who I find abrasive.

I Thought I Knew

A while back, I thought I knew what “love” and “compassion” were. I was wrong.

I mean, I understood the third dimensional definition of the words, but apparently the new energy versions of love and compassion are much more expansive that I gave credit to.

In this article, I want to address mainly the new energy compassion.

What It Doesn’t Mean

It means no fear. No fear of rejection. No shying away of those in need because you are afraid it might “rub off” on you, etc.  No fear.

It does not mean judging someone or their circumstances.

Being compassionate does not mean being a doormat; working yourself to exhaustion or ill health or imbalance; or allowing self to be taken advantage of.

So What Does It Mean?

I guess the best way to describe it would be to ask yourself, “What if that were me?” Would you appreciate kindness and/or understanding?

Perhaps compassion is treating someone exactly as you would want to be treated if you were in the same situation…and feeling it on the soul level.


I, and a small group of friends, have gone out and done property cleansings and blessings (removing ghosts from a home or business).

Speaking for myself, I would enter the property with the energy of “get in, get it done, and get out”. And I would be totally wiped out afterwards.

Very compassionate and loving, right? Not.

My team stopped me one day before a cleansing and said that the next place we were going to needed to be approached and handled with love and compassion only.

So I didn’t go in with the attitude “everyone out!” and then clean and seal the property.

Instead, my whole energy changed.

The whole feel of the cleansing and blessing changed.

It was absolutely beautiful.

Afterwards, I was feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed. I wasn’t wiped out at all.

I was so excited with this outcome that I began to see if I could work love and compassion into everything (a work in progress).

But here’s the catch. For me, I needed to let go of my third dimensional understanding or perception of love and compassion.

I needed to go bigger and more expansive with it.

And I needed to feel it.

Trust me, you’ll know when you reached it. It is a feeling that is pretty much indescribable – written and verbal words do it no justice.

by Jan Toomer




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