“We are proud of you. Those who are in the physical form and are working to remove lifetimes of fear, anger, imbalances, etc. – all while helping others, as well as raising the Earth’s consciousness and energy. Yes, the Earth is conscious.

We have shown (Jan) glimpses of who all is on and around Earth to aid you at this time. We want you to know we are here, supporting and encouraging you on this sometimes difficult journey.

Many of you have been feeling us in, or on the peripheral of, your consciousness; in meditations and/or dreams.

You are not alone and you can ask us to help you. * We cannot help unless asked.”

(* Please set up your boundaries. I use “Only that which is for my highest and best.”)

* * *

That is what came in for today’s article. Those wonderful beings, who are not in the physical, want us to know that they are here for us.

The energy was of respect for us, and honoring us for our decision to work on the physical side.

They also provided me a few different flashes of others – on the planet, around/above the planet and from some of your preferred-planet-of-choice beings, in additional to the masses of higher frequency teachers all working in tandem for us and with us…to help us, support us and guide us.

I also have the sense (and some of you are already feeling this) that when Mercury goes direct this week, we are going to feel lighter – energetically – and may feel catapulted forward.

Having said that, we are also feeling – more and more – the need, or desire, to stand in our own (not be swayed against what we feel/know to be right, even if it is more difficult); to stand in our own truth (not follow others – be true to self); and accept even more responsibility for our own creations (thoughts and manifestations).

We’ve been introduced to, and have been working on, accepting responsibility, but it gets more real and/or serious now.

Also, more truths will be shown; more deceptions revealed.

Physical “Symptoms”

Many people, over the last month (with an increase the last two weeks), have been experiencing some distressing physical “symptoms” – some of which doctors cannot find a cause for. (Please do seek medical attention when needed.)

  • Eye issues
  • Breathing issues
  • Heart issues
  • Digestive issues (especially stomach and/or liver)

Remember, we are cleaning up, healing, clearing, releasing all the heavy junk, imbalances, blocks, etc. for our lifetimes. This may include needing to be checked out by your physician.

Regardless if your doctor can find anything or not – I recommend sending Reiki (or receiving if you are not a practitioner), prayers and/or loving and forgiving thoughts and energy to your own body.

We Are Not Alone

We are not alone. We have support. We are loved. We are not forgotten.

And even if it may not feel like it sometimes, we are releasing the third dimension.

by Jan Toomer



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