What do politicians, sales people, advertisers, and yes even the clergy (and more) have in common? Words have power and they know it!

Now, I’m not a scientist or behaviorist; I can, however, share my interpretations on energy patterns and energy manipulation.

Energetically, your brain and your energy believe everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth. Let me say that again, “…everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth.”

This goes beyond the thoughts bouncing around in our heads. The words we read, hear and say, as far as your energy is concerned, is truth. And this is where the manipulation comes into play.

Words can desensitize us; they can move us so we take action; they can set us against one another; they can heal us or uplift us. Words can manipulate us to feel good about ourselves – or bad about ourselves.

In the Past

When the shoot ‘em up video games first came out, I was horrified by what I saw happening to my roommate’s energy. This was soon followed by my roommate’s behavioral changes as well as the addiction to the game.

Today, the violence or other negative behaviors that are “okay” to engage in through our phone and tablet’s game apps are rampant, and spilling over into real life.

I do like a good game in my downtime, but my games are a lot more passive. However, the ads put into the games are not so passive.


Some advertisements challenge you: “We bet you can’t do any better.” Some game ads demean you: “Your brain is ______ years old”, and the age decreases with any mistakes you make. And some game ads work on, via words, dumbing you down.

If that’s just their ads, what in the world are the actual games doing?

I’m not just picking on advertising and games; there are examples of this just about everywhere. We are being bombarded with manipulative words everywhere we turn.


I love music, even without lyrics. Sad songs make me feel melancholy. Love songs make me tear up or feel warm and fuzzy. I try to stay away from angry songs.

And songs with lyrics are even more potent. The lyrics, aka the song’s message, can build us up; move us to tears; make us feel happy or hopeful; or angry. But, there’s more.

Songs that the lyrics use the word “I” or “you” makes your energy think the words – thus the emotions or beliefs – are yours. Try it out; listen to a song that contains “I” or “you” where you know the lyrics, and pay attention to how you feel following the song.

Did you energetically accept the message of pain, sorry, anger, grief, love, or hurt as your own? How does your body/energy feel?

If you were already feeling low, did the song or lyrics amplify it or soothe it?

Be Consciously Aware

We hear, a lot, about how we should be consciously aware of what foods we put into our body. We don’t hear so much about being consciously aware of what words we allow into ourselves, or what visuals we allow into our energy.

Never Open Your Door

When I was growing up, my father, a traveling salesman for big businesses would tell me: “Never open your door to a salesman”; “Never let a salesman into your home”; “Don’t believe what a salesman tells you”; “They’ll twist your words to make you think you agree with them”, and so on.

I know sales people need to make a living too, but these were some mighty powerful words of warning coming from a salesman. It did make me more aware – as a child – of the power of words.

Full Disclosure

How different would the world be if we had full disclosure on the products, games, etc. that they are trying to sell us? Of course, truth doesn’t make money, does it?

If a politician, or clergy person, said, “It is my BELIEF that if you ___________, then you’ll receive ______________ (some type of reward) in your life,” as a whole, we wouldn’t be as responsive, would we?

Even worse would be, for example, “I’m just telling you this so I can be elected / separate you from your money / control you with fear, etc.”

So instead we’re told (suggested through words) as to what to believe; to make us think it was our idea to buy or believe “X”.

I think that my Team raised me to observe my energy in reaction to someone else’s words. They taught me to trust myself…to hear and feel the energy behind other’s words, and ask myself, “Is this harmful or discordant to me?” and accept or reject the words.

Yes, I’ve overridden this training before. Let’s just say, for me, they were valuable learning lessons for me.

Allow Conscious Awareness

I ask that you begin allowing conscious awareness into your mind and into your energy. What are you creating in you by bringing in the programming involved in the words in your life? Don’t let someone else take control of your energy.


News & Views – August 20, 2018

Listen to Yourself

The Power of “I Am” Statements

By Jan Toomer


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