The center line did a visual tick-tick-tick as I drove through Texas.

I noticed anxiety building within me, but didn’t know the cause until I crested a hill. The answer was in the plains before me.

pumpjack-591934_640-coLarge metal “grasshoppers” dotted the landscape; pumping up and down.

Like drawing blood from a vein, I felt the jabbing and pulling; sucking life out of Mother Earth.

* * *

In this time of our soul growth and development, we are becoming more aware of the life force within everyone, everywhere.

We are seeing rights finally being afforded some of the larger animals in some areas.

We are seeing predators and prey befriending one another.

We are seeing animals – outside of our “pets” — expressing emotions.

Our conditioning – the one that dictated that humans alone were intelligent and have a soul – is disintegrating.

However, our conditioning has left a lot of us blind to the life force – and yes, rights – of all other life forms…Mother Earth included.

Are we finally beginning to see beyond our programming of human superiority?

We are nothing without the non-human life forces around us; and, we are part of all the life forces around us.

Can you see?

by Jan Toomer


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