Q. Do Healers Ever Need Healing?

A. Absolutely.

Healers are conduits to bring additional energy down to the client. This additional energy affords the client a boost for them to heal and balance themselves.

Sometimes a energy healer can heal themselves. Sometimes, though, they need to receive assistance from another healer. Healers of any kind are human too.

So yes, healers do sometimes need healing.

Healers also benefit from self-pampering, like a massage or soaking in mineral springs.

Q. I requested a healing session for my wife in hospice. She wasn’t healed. So what did the session do?

A. Energy can be directed to a specific location – for example, the lungs – but that doesn’t guarantee the lungs will receive it.

Energy goes where it’s needed, not necessarily where we think it should go.

And who decides where it should go? The recipient’s higher self and/or soul.

Healing energy can address the physical, emotional, and/or spiritual aspects of the one receiving the healing. For example: the hospice client may have cancer, but the healing energy provided may go to the client’s emotional level, perhaps to bring acceptance or peace to their upcoming transition.

For hospice (animal or human), I offer energy to both the one who is in hospice and to those around him/her. The energy, if accepted, will go where it is needed for each individual.

Q. Are there people that you can’t help them to heal? If so, why?

A. Yes, and the reasons why can be as varied as each individual, and I may not always be privy to the reasons. Please see the next question, some of those reasons may apply.

Q. Have you every not worked on someone (turned them down)?

A. Yes.

– If someone is trying to replace medical care with energy work, I will recommend for them to see their physician.

– If they are keeping themselves in the victim role, such as: energy-junkies who are either looking for the next round of “feel good” energy, but doing nothing to help themselves; or whiners, who just want to whine and do nothing to help themselves. Not taking responsibility – or positive action – for their life or health. I may recommend for them to seek counseling or a therapist.

I believe healing is not solely on the healer. The one seeking healing must accept responsibility for their life; utilizing a healer in addition to other positive actions they are taking which can lead them to balance.

Someone overwhelmed, leading them to become stuck, is different from the whiner and the energy-junkie. The energy of one overwhelmed carries a different energy signature than that of a whiner and energy-junkie.

Q. Do you have any tips for someone seeking a energy healer?

A. Yes!

– If someone charges outrageous prices…Run away from them!

– If someone tells you something along the lines of, “If you purchase this $600 crystal (for example), it’ll bring you ______________ (fame, love, fortune, healing, etc.).” Or, “For an additional $300, I can remove the curse on you.” Run!

– Listen to yourself. Don’t be blinded by you own intense desire to be cured that you’ll ignore your own self-voice warning you. Listen to self. If it feels off or wrong, it usually is.

– Ask around about the healer or reader you are thinking of visiting. And remember that there is usually at least one who wasn’t happy with them. If there are a lot saying they weren’t happy, please look elsewhere.

– Healers and readers should never be worshipped or put on pedestals. They are human as well. Do you put your college professor, computer technician, doctor, pharmacist, or any other profession on a pedestal? No. Neither should healers and readers be put there. Healers and readers are just another skill type.

– Be comfortable with your healer or reader. If you aren’t comfortable, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are bad, it may just be that your energy and theirs are not quite compatible. Find one you are comfortable with.

Q. My energy Healer said I need to come back for three more sessions. Is this acceptable?

A. I, personally, will not tell a client that…but that is me. I have no problems with a healer saying you need to come X amount of times, as long as it’s not excessive (chronic pain being the exception).

I tell my clients to listen to themselves as to when they want to see me again. It is always my hope that they only need to see me once for one particular issue, but I also understand that it may take more than one session, especially if there are is a long list of issues. But I leave that decision to my client.

If you are not receiving any benefit or relief from the sessions, please seek another healer.

Having said that, healers sometimes come across someone that isn’t ready to release the imbalance. This can mean that they may be afraid to release it – if it’s gone, who are they now? They defined themselves with the imbalance.

Or they are still in victim role mode and this role is still serving them.

Or there may be other reasons as to why – again, as diverse as each individual.

Q. Do Healers ever refine or expand their abilities?

A. Not necessarily. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

Having said that, I am always working to try something new to put into my toolbox.

I also will sometimes ask for volunteers to allow me to try new or different techniques.

For example: I love Reiki, but have found not everyone is responsive to Reiki, or that Reiki energy is not the frequency needed for someone. I will then, working in conjunction with the volunteer, try out different frequencies and/or techniques until I find one that works for them. The recipient is in communication with me during this process so that I can tweak or change the energy I bring in to work on them.

Sometimes it is a long process (four or five sessions, maybe longer), and I appreciate the volunteer for working with me for this long. This process actually trains and/or expands me and hopefully helps the volunteer. This process can add new tools, insights, and/or understandings to my toolbox to aid others.

Q. Are there any other reasons one may seek the services of a energy healer?

A. Yes. Relaxation is a biggie! Pampering oneself is totally okay.

– To help keep your energy field clean and balanced.

Q. You offer a reading (interpretations, messages, etc.) during a healing session. Is this standard practice for energy healers?

A. No, not at all. And some practitioners feel strongly that nothing should be added or changed from, for example, a Reiki session.

I, and others like me, are also readers or channelers and sometimes get information to pass along to the client. The client is asked before the session if they would like to receive anything that comes in while doing the energy healing. Some do, some don’t.

by Jan Toomer


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