by Jan Toomer

  • Clearing up the past
  • Listening to self
  • Knowing your self, knowing your energy

Why is it so important?

Clearing Up the Past

Our unfinished past (individually) weighs us down – we can move forward more quickly once past is healed and the weight is removed.

Listening to Self

By involving your higher self in your life and learning to trust what you are feeling/knowing/sensing, you can avoid a lot of life path/energy detours.

Knowing Your Self, Knowing Your Energy

  • Energy workers abound world-wide, as does the many different healing modalities/techniques.
  • We each need to know our own energy; this aids us as we each become more empathic (“Is this my energy/emotion/feeling or did I pick up someone else’s?”) – it also aids us if someone tries to alter or mess with our energy.

Energy Abuse is on the Rise

Energy worker label ? safe

Just because someone is an energy worker doesn’t mean they are safe.

We are on the planet of duality; this means light and absence of light; this also means there are some energy workers who portray themselves as “lightworkers”, but are doing some things that are not of the Light.

Unfortunately, I have had clients on my table that had negative stuff “planted” into their energy by unscrupulous energy workers; fortunately, I was able to see and correct it.

Most commonly, these “plants” (not flora, but non-physical programming inserted into another’s energy field) are:

  • To drain energy
    • Psychic vampirism main-lining
  • To control the client
    • Manipulating clients energy – usually through creating a fear-mode – so clients keep needing to return to that “healer” or is made to feel they can only rely/utilize that practitioner only – no one else.
    • Program a client’s energy to have a severe (often physical) negative reaction to anyone else’s energy/energy treatment.

Again, this is why it is important to know your energy; if you know it, you can get a sense if something is right or not.

Know your energy, and trust yourself.

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