by Jan Toomer

Some people seem to have gotten stuck – they are hanging on to old energy/ energy patterns and aren’t able to adjust through the energy shifts.

If you are stuck, this is a message to you that you still have some personal business to attend to before moving on energetically – it is not an excuse to hide away/ withdrawal from life; also, if you are waiting for someone to rescue you…chances become slimmer every day of that happening.

Part of the process of each shift is to move beyond the energy shift while allowing your body the privilege of accepting the new energy…but this cannot happen until you do your own work.

During these shifts, you may feel off, tilted, out-of-sync, etc. – these symptoms should only last – at the longest – about seven days per shift (barring any medical issues which need to be addressed with your provider; shift adjustments can vary from a few hours to up to about a week) and they normally don’t last that long; if this is lasting longer, then you are holding onto the old energy….and this really isn’t a good idea.

If you are stuck, it could mean one of the following:

  • Living in fear/panic
  • Stuck in victim role (re-living, or haven’t gotten over, past events/traumas)
  • Enjoying being the victim
  • Haven’t finished one or more of the previous steps/phases (knowing your energy; clearing up your pasts; accepting responsibility; accountability; pro-active in/with self-creations; etc.)

For those of you who are stuck, rescuers are becoming more scarce – this is because we are each being held accountable for our own actions, thoughts, behaviors, energy creations…which means you are stuck living in your own “muck” until you change it.

Honestly, your own thoughts are creating your tomorrow – free will has become so much more than a concept…we each are living our free will choices/our creations daily.

If you are stuck, what are you going to do to move on now?

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