Healers Aren’t Gods – Q & A

~ Part One

Q. If I don’t feel anything during an energy healing session, it means the healer is a fraud, right?

A. No. The reasons someone doesn’t feel anything may be as varied as individuals. Here are a few reasons why one may not feel the session:

– Fear. When someone is in fear, they may not feel anything. When in fear, we have a tendency to clamp our energy tight, not letting anything in – or to repel it.

– Healing energy goes where it is most needed, not where you or I think it should go.

That means it can go to the client’s physical, mental or spiritual needs. The healer brings the energy in for the client’s body, mind and soul to use as it sees fit. Though it’s not up to the healer, healers can target a specific area to send healing to, but again, it is up to the soul as to where the energy will actually go. One size (healer) does not fit all.

– Thick walls of doubt, bitterness, anger, or fear can refuse or reject the energy – keeping it from reaching the client. Again, this is not determined by the healer.

– Healer hopping has already been addressed.

Q. So we have to keep seeing and paying a healer when we aren’t receiving any relief?

A. It is totally up to you – free will. My answer, however, is “No”. You can ask yourself why you aren’t receiving any relief.

Are you simply laying it at someone else’s feet and expecting them to do it all for you? Are you an active participant in your healing? Is the healer a real healer?

You may not find the reason, but if it were me and I wasn’t getting any relief, I would stop working with that person. And this doesn’t mean to go healer hopping. Take responsibility: ask around, get referrals.

Q. I spent all of my money with a healer. I got some relief, but needed to go back each week. Now I’m broke and still need a healer. Should I have taken out a loan and continued with her/him?

A. No!!

I try to work a very short time with a client. I prefer one session, but sometimes it takes four or five. And it’s my goal to finish it and hopefully it never needs to be addressed again. If they still haven’t had any relief after four or five sessions, I recommend that they stop seeing me if I wasn’t able to help facilitate them in their healing. I may recommend they seek out another healer, who uses different techniques, or to see a pain management specialist.

There are also free group energy healing sessions offered by others. I also offer a referral incentive program so those who would like to take this route can earn a free session; others might offer this as well.

“Milking” a client is where someone is trying to make the client dependent on them; having them come back again and again.

Having said that, some people in chronic pain that aren’t healed completely, but they do get temporary relief. In these cases, I recommend they get together with their pain specialist; perhaps seek other alternatives outside of energy healing, to aid them. I will continue energy sessions with them if they request it as long as they understand that it seems to be only temporary relief for them.

Q. So you don’t think healers can perform miracles, such as healing someone permanently?

A. I believe in miracles and see miracles everyday! The client usually creates their own miracles. They may have assistance with it, such as with an energy healer. I have seen miracles occurring for those with chronic ailments and acute ailments. And I found that they had been actively working towards their healing before the energy session(s).

Q. Does one energy healer’s modality (like, for example, Reiki) work for everyone?

A. No. Some of my clients found, for example, that Reiki was uncomfortable for them – not many, but a few.

Just like everything else, one size does not fit all.

Speaking for myself, I will try other energy frequencies with the client to find one that works for them, or will recommend them to another practitioner.

But don’t go broke trying to find a practitioner. I offer once a month free group distant energy healing sessions so people can get free healing – and they can try out my technique/frequencies to see if it “fits” them. There are also other practitioners who offer free distant energy healing sessions.

Q. Are there fakes or frauds?

A. As I mentioned before, unfortunately yes. There are healers who “milk” their clients; there are frauds/fakes; and there are real healers. Please do your research, ask around, etc. – and listen to self. When in doubt, don’t.
That is worth saying again. Please listen to yourself. If someone feels “off”, “not right” or cranks up your internal alarms, listen! And stay away from the person who elicited such response.

You may also just not click with a real healer, and that’s okay. But that feels totally different than your inner alarms warning you.

If someone threatens you; tells you they are going to remove the healing; are telling you that you’ll be cursed if you stop going to them; or tell you “for an additional $(large amount), I can remove _____”, etc., get away from them!

The preceding are the authors views.



Do Healers Ever Need Healing? And More Healing Questions


by Jan Toomer


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