by Jan Toomer

I work hard to honor others life paths – but lately, I haven’t been honoring mine – I haven’t been honoring self.

The summer months are usually, for me, catch up time and time to do what I have been wanting to do (weeding, studying something new, sleeping in), but I noticed I had been restless and easily agitated lately.

It wasn’t until I was writing an email to a friend that I finally sat myself down to figure out what was going on with me.

So I began looking at my energy patterns as an observer; what interpretation would I tell someone else if I saw these patterns on them?

What I figured out was that I was not paying attention to my energy…somewhere a couple of months ago I had quit listening to me.

We have “talked” about straying from your life path – and when you do this, things get more difficult in your life until you get back onto your path. Things hadn’t gotten difficult in my life, but I had left my center – stepped away from my core.

For me, my core is the teachings I received growing up as well as those that continue on through today – and these teachings are from my guides/team and higher self.

So to myself, I apologize – and to those whom I didn’t honor your paths, I also apologize.

And since I had these realizations, I have found that the agitation is gone, and I am once again able to step back and honor others life paths, and honor mine, without agitation or restlessness.

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