Do you know when someone, even a stranger, lies to you?

When I was a young child, I learned about lying when I heard someone say one thing, and ‘heard’ what they were thinking. Often, the two didn’t match; very confusing for a child.

I began trying not to ‘hear’ others’ thoughts. Instead of ‘hearing’ the thoughts that conflicted with the words, I would get a tightening (or pinching) sensation in my abdomen (solar plexus region) when someone would lie.

Conflicted and confused, I quit trusting humans and began spending time with the animals in nature. It was an honest and refreshing experience; I discovered that animals do not know how to lie.

As an adult, I learned I could tell that if someone was trying to be sneaky (preparing to do, or doing something they knew they shouldn’t be doing), I would get a similar sensation, or would get what I call “warning bells”.

Now, when someone begins telling a lie, my mind sings, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!”

When my daughter became a young teen and would have friends over to the house, she would often tell them “don’t be sneaky; don’t whisper and don’t lie because my mom will know right away.”

When a person lies (or tries to be sneaky or deceptive), the whole energy around their body changes – and (to me) this behavior also literally changes the atmosphere in the room. Whether it is a little lie or a big lie, it changes the speaker’s energy.

More and more people are sensing or ‘hearing’ others lies – especially today’s children. Children of today are so psychically sensitive that you must not lie to them! This is very important to today’s children.

On the whole, the person lying only fools themselves.

Let’s all learn from the animals, and small children – be honest and true to yourself and others.

June 2, 2009

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