
Everyone has the right to walk the path they have chosen, just as you have the right to walk your path. (Speaking of those of legal age. There may be special circumstances.)

This is one reason we’ve talked about “no more rescuing others”. By forcing yourself, or your beliefs, upon someone else’s path, you are working to subvert their free will and are disrupting their journey towards soul growth.

Allowing doesn’t mean you stop caring.

I does mean you don’t try to control, manipulate, or force yourself on them.

It means letting them walk their path; letting them stumble, search and seek. It means not judging the path they’ve taken, even if you don’t agree with their decisions.

It also mean standing by, in love, to support, if they ask for it. But there shouldn’t been strings or conditions (to control) attached to the support.

You wouldn’t like someone else interfering with your life; and many of us chafe when we are told what or how we are supposed to run our lives.

Allow others the right to their journey.

Channeled by Jan Toomer



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