By Peter Perkins

As some of you may know I am in touch with my angels. Every once in a while they fill me with a strong desire to write about some topic. I see this as the universes way of saying that this subject may help someone. So I take these impulses seriously and when I feel that compulsion to write, I do so.

This article is on Ritalin, this is also known as Methylphenidate. In this day and age it also goes by a few different labels, Concerta, Metadate CD, Metadate ER, Methylin, Methylin ER, Ritalin, Ritalin LA, Ritalin-SR.

Some of you may already know about this prescription drug. In my day and age it was highly prescribed by doctors as a way of “curing” hyperactivity in children. It has since grown as a means to treat ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and narcolepsy.

It is a nervous system stimulant that affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

As a child I certainly had a lot of energy and would love to burn that off in play. I was still a quiet child without a lot of screaming or yelling. There was more than enough of that in my household already as a child. Also for those of you who have read my other articles you may know that I perceived ghosts and other psychic phenomena as a youth. Do to this as well as the great amount of deja vu I had as a child, this may have led my parents to believe I had what today would be diagnosed as attention deficit disorder.

It certainly was not a deficit of attention that I had as a child, but an abundance of attention in noticing things my parents simply could not perceive. It is a shame that like many parents, they chose to go with a chemical solution to cure something that did not need curing.

I understand my parents did this out of ignorance but also love. After all to them I was speaking with imaginary friends not spirits or guides. When I seemed to ignore a conversation it was because I had already had a premonition about it and knew exactly what was going to be said. So it seemed to them I was ignoring the conversation.

Another reason they chose to go with Ritalin was the doctor told them it would normalize me; I wouldn’t have so much energy and would be easier to deal with. I know this because my mom explained to me why they were giving me this medication. Even then I knew it was wrong; I didn’t like it and it was only through my mother imploring me that I ended up taking it.

I am aware, as many of you may be, that a great deal of psychiatric medications are for society and the people around the one taking the medication and not for the one actually on the medication. If your depressed take an anti-depressant so you don’t drag the people around you down. If you are manic and creative take another medication to make you less manic and sadly less creative. I wonder how many disorders are true disorders or doctors fearful of being sued if they don’t prescribe something or diagnose some problem. A huge rise in ADD and ADHD and even AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder) seems to be a product of our age.

What if like me, it is because these children are merely in tune with the spiritual side of things or they have the beautiful energy of youth we all seem to wish we had as we grew older.

As far as advice to parents who may have had a doctor prescribe Ritalin or diagnosed their child as having ADD, or ADHD. There are alternatives to prescription medications. If you are worried about hyperactivity you might want to cut down on the sugar in your child’s diet. Also take the time to speak with them. Ask them what they are looking at if they seem to gaze off into space. It might just surprise you. If they seem worried to talk about it, let them know it’s ok.

Often society, teachers, etc. frown on things like spirits, deceased relatives, angels and others such things. Even organized religions try hard to destroy or deny such things as visitations by religious figures or people reporting speaking with angels etc. So it may take some coaxing to let your child know it is ok, and that your really interested in what they are seeing or thinking about. It may just surprise you !

Likewise if your child seems to be listless or to ignore your conversations you might want to take a moment and ask them why. They may just say, “We already talked about this.”

Even though you may know you didn’t talk about this before, your child may have, like me, had a premonition about the entire conversation; to them they know they heard everything and are probably confused why you are having this conversation with them again. This feeling of deja vu can be that strong in youth and sometimes through life.

I have listened to some other spiritualists speaking about Ritalin recently in relation to the indigo and crystal children. Saying that it destroys the psychic gifts that these children have.This is where I feel the need to step in with a message of hope.

I myself as a child was on Ritalin. I will admit it did dampen my experiences and it did reduce my energy. It did not however destroy my gifts. They surfaced, and still surged, on occasion regardless of this medication. I even spent a part of my life denying this side of myself dampening my own gifts as much as Ritalin ever did. Yet my gifts returned to me time and again.

So my message of hope goes out to those who may have like myself been on Ritalin, as well as to those parents who may be in a situation where they back their child’s gifts, but the other parent pushes for medicating their child with Ritalin. It may dampen for a time these spiritual or psychic gifts but rest assured they can be regained, they are in effect part of our birth-right as spiritual beings living human lives. If you focus on regaining and remembering these gifts they will come back to you. If you are afraid that your child may completely lose their gifts because of Ritalin or other medications, rest assured you can work with your child and show your love and interest in their gifts to re-spark these things in them.

Remain loving, have faith in your own abilities, or that of your children, and know that through attention to the spiritual side of yourselves you can regain a stronger connection with these gifts again. We are amazing beings and as immortal spirits we cannot be denied our heritage through not only prescription medications like Ritalin, but societal peer pressure and dogma.

It is our birth-right and it is waiting for everyone to claim these gifts or reclaim them.

In love,


(Please note: Peter is sharing his experiences and thoughts on this – he is not a medical doctor.)

Thank you Peter!

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